Category Archives: Viren

Ebola Virus – without any Genome = RNA – Ions-Catching-System?

This is just a cross-section of an Ebola virus. You cannot see RNA in the center, only ions. Every virus is defined by its RNA genome structure! Unfortunately no RNA structure was recognized. The Ebola proteins presumably screw themselves through ion-rich tissue and cause a collapse there – since this presumably implements hyperdiffusion / superhydrophily by Na+ ions (pulls into the center of the Ebola virus). Wherever the mass exchange is high. Therefore, it causes internal bleeding like in the liver (venous network of miracles(dense concentration of blood)). Therefore, it causes internal bleeding like in the liver (venous network of miracles (increased concentration of blood)). Adding this that the Na + ions are hydrophilic and H20 (water) is following . So it could be that the Ebola protein ring matrix is an H (hydrogen) drive. Since viruses act almost at the atomic level, they need a new understanding …

Have a more look at these nice colorful 3D Viruses datasets to know more about these little kindly atomic things.